Which option Is More Effeciant | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Which option Is More Effeciant

Hello On our site we have multiple pieces for a product. each product has a type number assigned to it. Example Product A will have a piece that comes in 3 different sizes all of which are assigned a 7, it also has another piece that has 2 different sizes that are all assigned a 4 what i need to do is find out what items numbers are available in my recordset. so basically i know that included on this page i have catagorie numbers 2,4,5,7,10 Option A is create a new recordset that groups all my numbers
IE select catagoryNumber from products where id = someid group by catagory or i can take the already existing recordset that has each product and catagory number and use asp to parse all the catagory numbers into groups like above What i would to know is which of the above options is more effeciant? Thank you, ~ moe
Sounds good to me, are you getting any performance issues with this approach? Satya SKJ
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
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