Why choose SQL Server? | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Why choose SQL Server?

I renently heard this question at a conference I attended for developers. Why choose SQL Server over Oracle, IBM, etc…. The answers were interesting. How would you guys answer this?

I cant say that under every sitaution, MS SQL is the option. I think everything would need to be evaluated before that type of decision was made. In some cases, any of these options would be overkill. That said, MS SQL will almost always cost less money than the oracle/sybase options and that is the bottom line for many places. It reduces start up costs etc. It can now handle much larger databases than it could in the past which used to be the factor that forced people to pick oracle or sybase. There are many different development ‘languages’ that can connect with/interact with it. (I still remember sql 4.2 and shudder). I’m curious about what the answers from the conference were.

True, I would like to hear the various answers from that conference. An important feature of relational systems is that a single database can be spread across several tables. This differs from flat-file databases, in which each database is self-contained in a single table. Almost all full-scale database systems are RDBMS’s. Small database systems, however, use other designs that provide less flexibility in posing queries.
Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
There is no ultimate answer to such a question. It rather depends on a wide range of aspects like company policy, existing IT infrastructure, budget, company size and so on and so on.
If you search the google groups, you’ll receive numerous hits, since such a discussion is done on a regular basis. At least it seems so to me. ———————–

…. and I feel its utterly time waster to debate about differences. Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
Choosing a product is all depend in the comapny needs & its IT Infrastructure.
But I would like to hear about conference. Thanks,

I just found some interesting comments by some funny guys, when comparing Oracle to SQL Server … Guess you know some of them …. "
But backing up Oracle always struck me like trying to walk a cow to a different pasture by butchering it, wrapping all the parts in grocery-store plastic, trucking it, and then re-assembling the cow.
" "
Do you use Oracle at your work? Is there something I’m missing? Is there some magical "SUCK LESS" switch or dial that I can adjust so that I don’t have to spend 50x longer debugging SQL code on Oracle that "just works" on SQL Server and works 100x faster than any Oracle equivalent?
quote:Originally posted by wabbash
But backing up Oracle always struck me like trying to walk a cow to a different pasture by butchering it, wrapping all the parts in grocery-store plastic, trucking it, and then re-assembling the cow.
Hm, reminds me of some old chicken humor. How do IT chicken croos a road? AMD Athlon Chicken: Provided you bolt on a big fan, this chicken will
all the Intel chickens to the other side. For 3D multiplayer
there really is no alternative… Assembler Chicken:
First it builds the road … C Chicken:
It crosses the road without looking both ways. C++ Chicken:
The chicken wouldn’t have to cross the road, you’d simply refer to it on
other side. COBOL Chicken:
Crosses faster than any other chicken, but if you don’t dip it in liquid
nitrogen first, it arrives on the other side fried. Delphi Chicken:
The chicken is dragged across the road and dropped on the other side. DOS Chicken:
Too busy carrying the entire weight of the Win95 chicken on its back to
cross the road. And even if it did, no one would admit it was there. Dotcom Boom Chicken*:
Gets hundreds of millions of dollars for its road-crossing project but
it gets to the kerb it trips and falls in the gutter and breaks its
neck. FORTRAN Chicken:
Has all the velocities and vectors for crossing the road already
defined. If
you are an aerospace engineer you might be able to get the FORTRAN
to actually fly across the road. IBM Chicken:
The original IBM Chicken was too slow and too expensive to make crossing
road practical, so IBM allowed everyone else to clone its chicken,
that the cloners would eventually go out of business.
They didn’t, and now the IBM Chicken is more like a clone of a clone of
clone of the clones of itself. Every year they hold a Special Olympics
the IBM Chicken so it can cross the road too. Intel Pentium Chicken:
The chicken crossed 1.9999978 times. Intel Pentium 4 Chicken:
This chicken crosses the road one tiny step at a time. Who cares if it
takes 4.6 million steps to get to the other side? At 3.2GHz, it’s still
faster chicken, right? Iomega Chicken:
The chicken should have backed up before crossing. Java Chicken:
If your road needs to be crossed by a chicken, the server will download
(called a chi cklet) to the other side. or…
Java Chicken*:
Can cross any road anywhere at any time but when it gets to the other
it has always turned into a duck. Linux Chicken:
Same as the Unix Chicken but it’s free, although unsupported. To find
why the Linux chicken failed to cross the road, you will have to email
guy in Iceland with more dots in his email address than there are stars
the universe. or….
Linux Chicken*:
It’s not compatible with the road but that’s only because the road is
not a
real road – it’s a winroad. Although there are plenty of cars on the
there are no drivers available. Lotus Chicken:
Don’t you dare t ry to cross the road the same way we do! (IBM can’t get
anyone to buy this chicken, ’cause it’s so dumb; it can’t even find the
road. So they tend to give it away with rubbish hardware.) Mac Chicken: No reasonable chicken owner would want a chicken to cross
road, so there’s no way to tell it to. Macromedia Flash Chicken*:
5% of the road crossed. Please wait…
10% of the road crossed. Please wait…
15% of the road crossed. Please wait… Microsoft Chicken:
It’s already on both sides of the road. And it just bought the road. M206 Smalltalk Chicken*:
Chicken1 side: other Newton Chicken:
Can’t cluck, can’t fly, and can’t lay eggs, but you can carry it across
road in your pocket! NT4 Chicken:
Will cross the road in June. No, August. September for sure. You may
need to
install several service packs if you want it to cross a big road. Oh,
Microsoft don’t support this chicken any more. OOP Chicken:
It doesn’t need to cross the road, it just sends a message. OS/2 Chicken:
It crossed the road in style years ago, but it was so quiet that nobody
noticed. You may have trouble getting a native OS/2 chicken across the
due to poor driver availability. SCO Chicken*:
Points to some dried-up chicken crap it left there in 1997 as evidence
it owns the road. Demands payment from all drivers passing.
Gets run over by big truck driven by man from finland . We hope. Shareware Chicken:
If you use the Shareware Chicken to cross the road you are encouraged to
send 15.00 dollars… Freeware Chicken:
Same as the Shareware Chicken, but with a more realistic approach. TCP/IP Chicken:
Grinds the Chicken up into byte size packets, ships each one separately
the fastest possible route to the other side of the road and then
re-assembles the Chicken. Unix Chicken:
Assuming the Unix Chicken has permission to cross the road, it may go
it in this way: cd /usr/local/dev/chicken/bin/travel/ cr -o [road] -s
[speed] -a [angle] -d [debug] -l [logfile] | [destination side] -v
[verbose]. When the Unix Chicken’s process is complete you may find out
it failed by looking in:
/usr/local/dev/chicken/spool/crossings/errlog/ch10356723.x.out. Viral Chicken*:
Thanks to new zebra crossings designed by microsoft, 50% or all the
roads in
the world were being crossed by this chicken wit hin 15 minutes of it
hatching out of the egg. W3C Chicken**:
Everybody knew it was a good idea for the chicken to cross the road but
nobody wanted to help it get to the other side Web Chicken:
Jumps out onto the road, turns right, and just keeps on running.
Because there are so many different routes to get to the other side,
doubtful that the chicken will ever find it’s way. Gopher Chicken:
Tried to run, but got flattened by the Web chicken. Windows 95 Chicken:
You see different colored feathers while it crosses, but cook it and it
still tastes like … chicken. In fact, the Win95 Chicken can cross any
given road in eleven different ways, not counting the use of wizards who will actually cross the road for the chicken. If you can
remember all eleven ways, you can become a Microsoft Certified Poultry
Specialist (MCPS). If you come up with new way for the Windows
Chicken to cross the road, you can become a Microsoft Certified Solution
Provider (MCSP). But if you come up with a whole new chicken altogether,
then you will become a Microsoft Certified Enemy (MSROADKILL). Windows 98 Chicken:
It should have expected to cause a crash while crossing. Windows ME Chicken*:
It’s not a chicken at all; it’s a turkey… Windows Media Player Chicken*****:
Shows passing drivers pretty visualisations but won’t cross the road
a new codec. WinXP Chicken*:
It got a nasty case of bird flu and had to be destroyed and replaced by
linux chicken. Winzip Chicken*:
Chckn x rd
