Windows 2003 Ent SQL Server 2000 EE 8 gb RAM | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Windows 2003 Ent SQL Server 2000 EE 8 gb RAM

I have read through many of the treads concerning using more than 2GB of RAM for servers running W2K and greater. Everything seems to point towards the /3GB and /PAE. However on our server running Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition with 8 GB RAM, the SQL server will still only utilize under 2GB of RAM. Does the /3GB switch need to be used with /PAE? Are there other work-arounds for Windows 2003? Please advise soon -Andrew for reference. HTH Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
Have you enabled AWE memory from within SQL Server? See: —————————–
Brad M. McGehee, MVP
If u can detect 8GB from windows, means /PAE is enabled,already Only thing u need to do is configure AWE from SQL server and set max size to 6000 MB "if u need 7000 MB to sql server, i think u need to use /3GB wiht /PAE. I am still in this doubt becos, i wanna give 7000 GB to sql server." so lemme know if u get any solution Rajiv
I guess the greater confusion is about both /3GB and /PAE. If you are concerned by your system resources, i would by all means vote against /3gb as it cut your PTEs drastically. Just /PAE with AWE enabled would be sufficient. In win 2003 however, /3Gb becomes a lot more safe with /userva switch.
However on our server running Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition with 8 GB RAM, the SQL server will still only utilize under 2GB of RAM
This is true IF you have SQL Server Standard Edition only. In that case, if it’s a dedicated SQL Server, you’re just wasting money having 8gb of RAM. MeanOldDBA
[email protected] When life gives you a lemon, fire the DBA.