XML Stored in SQL Database | SQL Server Performance Forums

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XML Stored in SQL Database

Hi, I need your input on pros and cons on storing XML data in SQL table.I am planning to generate XML using .NET application and store it in SQL table (column with ntext data type).Once XML data saved into DB,my .NET application reads the data and send it to web service using SOAP messaging. I need your feedback on what are the advantage or disadvantage in storing XML data in SQL table with data type as ntext. Thanks and Regards Ravi K
I have no experience in XML, referhttp://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/05/06/DataPoints/ andhttp://www.databasejournal.com/features/mssql/article.php/1457841 for your information. Satya SKJ
Contributing Editor & Forums Moderator
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
You’re planning on doing this in SQL Server 2000 or 2005? If 2000, I would probably just store it in files on a file server. MeanOldDBA
[email protected] When life gives you a lemon, fire the DBA.