how to create sub-folder on the drive of clutering | SQL Server Performance Forums

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how to create sub-folder on the drive of clutering

Hi All
i have to create 3 sub folders on the our F drive of 2 nodes SQL server 2000 clustering. the F drive is for all data files. i need 3 folders for our database file, log files and backup files. how do i create them before i install SQL server clustering? please help me. thanks, karen

Create them after install. Then move any system database log files if you want them in those folders too. Make sure the SQL Servie account have full administrative access to your new folders.
thanks, Argyle
but where i can create them? from primary node or active node? or i can map drive on the windows cluster to the client machine then create them? i’m confused with all these issues. could anyone has this idea? thanks in advance, karen

From primary node and ensure it is the active node. Satya SKJ
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
Contributing Editor & Forums Moderator
This posting is provided �AS IS� with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
thanks, Satya