how to move database files to new location? | SQL Server Performance Forums

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how to move database files to new location?

Hi All
i’d like to thank you for your great suggestion and great help in the past. but i have another question: i need to move the database files from default location to new folders i create after i install SQL Server 2000 clustering. i checked the KB/224071. it said how to move SQL Server database to a new location. my question is how i can move the database files to new location in clustering. where and how to stop and restart SQL Server? on cluster administrator or somewhere else? i didn’t get any this kind of information online regarding to move database files on clustering. could anyone give me a hint on how/where to stop/restart SQL Server during the datasebase file moving? thanks in advance for any idea. karen

The referred KBA is still applicable for Clustering and follow whatever method was suggested. As far as restarting SQL server services is concerned, there is no much difference as you need to stop the service from Administrative tools –>Services. Moving the database files you can deploy DETACH & ATTACH method. Satya SKJ
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
Contributing Editor & Forums Moderator
This posting is provided �AS IS� with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
FWIW, here’s another KB article:;EN-US;314546
Frank Kalis
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
You should not use the Administrative Tools –> Services to stop the SQL server in a cluster. You should always try to stop the the SQL using the Cluster Administrator. When SQL is in a cluster. The SQL service is now controlled by the clustering service now. You want to keep the sql service in that control.
thank you all for your great information. i’ll stop and start SQL Server clustering on cluster admin. it’d be great if i can stop/start it on service manager. have a nice weekend, karen