Importing from flat file | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Importing from flat file

I want to transfer Data from PowerHouse (I create a text file, extention .PSD) to my SQL server. Is it possible to create a link server or a stored proc that will read this text file ???
Is someone can help me ???
This is my Flat File: 20+050729RR F930128+930128
This is the difinition of the datas Element COM-NO Character Size 2 &
Heading "# Cie" Element CVT-NO Numeric Size 6&
Significance 6 &
Picture "^^^^^^" &
Heading "Commande" Element CVT-TYPE Character Size 1 &
Heading "Cvt^Type" Element CVT-NATURE Character Size 1 &
Heading "Nature" Element CVT-BOOK Character Size 1 &
Heading "booking" Element CVT-FP Character Size 1 &
Heading "Cvt^Fp" Element CVT-EXPEDITEUR Character Size 20 &
Heading "Cvt Expediteur" Element CFO-CODE Character Size 1 &
Heading "Cfo^Code" Element CVT-DATE-PRIX Date Size 6 &
Separator "/" Format YYMMDD &
Heading "Date Prix"
Try using DTS to import the data into SQL Server. Gaurav
Man thrives, oddly enough, only in the presence of a challenging environment- L. Ron Hubbard

…or the BCP.EXE utility. Nathan H.O.