Installation on Server | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Installation on Server

When trying to install Reporting Services 2000 (Report Manager’s server
components) on a Windows Server, the installation does not completely finish. I use the setup in the first folder on the CD (the default option from
Add/Remove Programs. It goes through the first part and tells me that installation is complete. Then it goes to the screen that tells me I do not have Visual Studio installed on
that box (this is ok because this server is only going to house server
capabilities, not client). Then it goes to the next installation screen which tell me that installation
may take a few minutes. This screen completes and the message comes up that
I am finished. The problem is that I never get to the part of the installation that asks
me about security, serverclient part installation, etc. If i try to get to the server’s report server, it is not there. In the start menu, the only shortcut made for RS is books online. What is being done differently from this installation than past installations? Joe Janka
Hi Joe, There is an article on showing the installation steps with screen shots. You may check that site for Reporting Services installation. It seems that your installation does not start the Registration information, feature selection and all the remaining screens. Eralper Eralper
