Job scheduele for DTS Package | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Job scheduele for DTS Package

Hello there,
I am trying to create a job schedule for DTS package.
when I test run the DTS Package from my local machine, the DTS works fine as it suppose to. When I schedule to run the DTS, getting an error, DTSStep_DTSDataPumpTask_1, Error = -2147467259 (80004005). This is error appears to be the issue with writing the destination file (wanted to have the data transfered to a .txt file). As per my DTS, the text (destination) file should be on my local machine. Is there any work around to have this process schedule? Thanks in advance,
Try this as well for testing.
Create a procedure to run the DTS using dtsrun utility and then create a job to run the procedure using T-SQL task in job. Check whether job runs this SP in turn DTS perfectly or not.
Sample Syntax: set @cmd=
‘dtsrun /S’[email protected]+’ /NPackage Name /EMicrosoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server’
exec master..xp_cmdshell @cmd, no_output
