Loading Images Faster | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Loading Images Faster

Dear All,
We are using VB.Net and SQL SERVER, All Images are stored in Binary. But loading them on a page is taking time. How do I load them faster? Kindly suggest me.
Thanks Usha Rani
How about storing the File path than storing image itself?
All you need is to use FileSystem object to retreive image from the directory Madhivanan Failing to plan is Planning to fail
Will this give adequate performance? Won’t storing in DB gives better performance? Just clearing my thought. Do let me know. Thanks Usha Rani
I think It is better to store the file path than using image column
You need to use GetChunk and AppChunk methods to store and Retreive image if you stored image itself
Madhivanan Failing to plan is Planning to fail
We follow the methodology presented in this link. But it is slow. http://www.dotnetbips.com/29E37690-7C6D-474E-836C-9F72BC53C27A.aspx?articleid=101 How do we use the methods GetChunk and AppChunk methods and if we use these will we have good benefit? Thanks Usha Rani
Using GetChunk method with VB is suggestable, but on the basis of databsae management it is better to store the filepath and use the file server to store images on operating system. This has been discussed many times in the forum and if you’re comfortable with your current approach, then continue. Image data can get a bit messy if you run into problems on the server. If you had to have a torn page, you will lose a considerable amount of data. Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
If you have time read this
completely. It’s a very good discussion on BLOBs in general. If not, just scroll down to the bottom. There you’ll find some code snippets.
Frank Kalis
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
Ich unterstütze PASS Deutschland e.V. http://www.sqlpass.de)

I have not been in touch for a long time. Thanks to all of you. Thae links have provided me with good insight. Thanks once again.
Usha Rani Usha Rani