Log shipping questions | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Log shipping questions

Hi I have a few questions regarding log shipping in sql server 2000 1.Are all database actions logged such as table truncations etc?If not which actions are not logged? 2.Also if new users are created after log shipping is set up,are these new users transferred to the standby during shipping of logs.
Or do we have to transfer the logins and users through DTS/stored procedures? 3.If either of the servers(primary or standby) are restarted does this effect log shipping?If yes how can i work around it?
Thanks Madhukar Gole

Table truncation is the logged transaction and all the events that are in the transaction log will be shipping when log shipping is involved. You need to go thru the log shipping articlehttp://www.sql-server-performance.com/sql_server_log_shipping.asp &http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/sql/2000/maintain/logship2.mspx about transferring logins. If the restart of the server comes within the schedule of the log shipping interval then there will be no issue, other you must restore full database in order to continue the log shipping. Satya SKJ
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