Managing the Report Content Using Report Manager: Part I

is the snapshot of the features available when you click on the data source

2:Features available
with Data Source Item.

is the snapshot of the features available at the folder level.

3:Features available
with the Folder Level.

Since security can be applied at the various levels
of the report items lets us look at a worked example of security implementation.

Sample Security Implementation using SSRS.

To implement the security using the SSRS let us create
two users – ReportDeveloper and Reportbrowser. Both
users be the standard users rather than Administrator users to test the
security features of the SSRS.

1. Open
the Internet explorer and type http://localhost/reports  to open the report
manager. Once the report manager has been opened  then click site
on the home page.

2. Click
on the security tab on the left pane and then Click on  New Role

3. Enter
the system Username as ReportDeveloper and assign the user the role of the System

4. Click
Ok to add the role.

5. Similarly
create a new role for  user Reportbrowser as System User

6. Click
ok to add the role.

7. This
how the screen looks like once the roles have been added.

8. Click
on the folder settings on the report manager home screen.

9. Click
on the New Role Assignment

10. Assign the Content
role to ReportDeveloper, and the Browser role to the ReportBrowser

11. Click Ok to
add new role.

12. This how the screen
looks like once the roles have been added.

13. Now login as the Reportbrowser
user and try to delete a report.

14. The system will ask
for the confirmation of the deletion of the report. Click Ok.

15. The system will
then throw a following error sighting  the permission issues.

16. Now login as the ReportDeveloper
user and try and delete the report the system will delete the  report after the
delete confirmation is clicked ok as the ReportDeveloper has the appropriate
rights and is the system administrator.

is how we can set the permissions for the users accessing the reports and
restrict the use of the reports to the limited and controlled access. In the next
article we will see look at how to set report execution properties.


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