my head is going to explode | SQL Server Performance Forums

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my head is going to explode

I’ve been wondering why the variable isn’t shown properly in Success. But if it was a Failure, then values are OK. When it gets transfered to "Execute SQL Task" for Successful Workflow, the string <STATUS> or <MESSAGE> isn’t modified. But it does well if Failure. Any ideas guys? If objSvrHTTP.status = 200 then
DTSGlobalVariables("v_status").Value = objSvrHTTP.status
DTSGlobalVariables("v_MESSAGE").Value = "Successfully downloaded " & URLFile
oTask.SQLStatement= Replace(oTask.SQLStatement, "<STATUS>", DTSGlobalVariables("v_status").Value)
oTask.SQLStatement= Replace(oTask.SQLStatement, "<MESSAGE>", DTSGlobalVariables("v_MESSAGE").Value)
Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success
DTSGlobalVariables("v_status").Value = objSvrHTTP.status
DTSGlobalVariables("v_MESSAGE").Value = "Failed downloading " & URLFile
oTask.SQLStatement= Replace(oTask.SQLStatement, "<STATUS>", DTSGlobalVariables("v_status").Value)
oTask.SQLStatement= Replace(oTask.SQLStatement, "<MESSAGE>", DTSGlobalVariables("v_MESSAGE").Value)
Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Failure
End If

I got it guys. Steps are named differently <img src=’/community/emoticons/emotion-1.gif’ alt=’:)‘ /> I should have pointed to a different dts task and should be number 2