Olap Architecture | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Olap Architecture

Is it a good practice to migrate the Analysis Services Metadata to Sql server . IF so can i have the Sql Server on a seperate Box and not on the same as Analysis Services is installed .
What are the best aggregation startergy that should be followed .
Which part of the Analaysis services you wanted to upgrade to SQL Server, I believe both are different services & components and may not be possible. Satya SKJ
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Do you mean the repository? Yes, they can be on a seperate box, mine is. For performance reasons it’s recommended not to have SQL Server and Analysis Services running on the same machine. Tom Pullen
DBA, Oxfam GB
Running both of them on same box, its a DBA’s nightmare and as per MS suggestion its better to optimize the OLAP before setting it up, a thorough preview on books online would be ideal. Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.