Old transaction log files on standby server | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Old transaction log files on standby server

Does anybody know how to remove automatically old transaction logs from standby server? They are removed from primary server (Option : Remove files older than .. 2 days), but they stay on standby server, even when they are successful restored. Now I have to remove them manually. PS. I use option “File retention period – 2 days) but it doesn#%92t work.

Ensure no other application(virus scanners) or process are accessing those files while SQL is trying to perform LS process. Ensure SQL Service account has necessary admin privilege on that folder to remove the files as per the Log shipping. Take a look at SQL server error log for any information or check the maintenance plan log file for more details. Satya SKJ
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This is a dedicated server; there is no other applications on it, which can block the access to these files.
User has sufficient rights to the folder where transaction log files are stored.
I vied logs and everything looked fine. Backup, copy and restore operations were completed successfully. I don#%92t know what is wrong.

Check and paste maintenance plan log file for details, it will be stored under LOG directory of MSSQL installatation or any other directory if you choose so. Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
Below is one of the log files (Primary):
Microsoft (R) SQLMaint Utility (Unicode), Version Logged on to SQL Server ‘POMOST’ as ‘POMOSTlogshipp’ (trusted)
Starting maintenance plan ‘EURO Log Shipping’ on 2004-01-03 13:00:02
[1] Database EURO: Transaction Log Backup…
Destination: [D:logshipEURO_tlog_200401031300.TRN] ** Execution Time: 0 hrs, 0 mins, 1 secs ** [2] Database EURO: Delete Old Backup Files… <- it deletes old files from primary server
1 file(s) deleted. Deleting old text reports… 0 file(s) deleted. End of maintenance plan ‘EURO Log Shipping’ on 2004-01-03 13:00:02
SQLMAINT.EXE Process Exit Code: 0 (Success) On standby server, there is no maintenance plan log files

How about job history which restores this LS job on the standby server?
And ensure the files stored on standby server are not marked as read-only. Just for testing add the following script to execute the net commands and know the status: declare @cmdFile varchar(50)
set @cmdFile= ‘net file >C:
etfile’ + convert(varchar(10),getdate(),12) + ‘.log’
declare @cmdSess varchar(50)
set @cmdSess= ‘net session >C:
etsess’ + convert(varchar(10),getdate(),12) + ‘.log’
exec xp_cmdshell @cmdfile
exec xp_cmdshell @cmdSess Review the netfile.log and netsess.log file to see if there is a process on another machine which has a lock on the file which could not be deleted. If not I can provide a seperate script to delete those files, as nothing works above.
Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
The script returned: session
Computer User name Client Type Opens Idle time
\POMOST Windows 2000 2195 0 00:00:08
The command completed successfully. file There are no entries in the list. If you can send me "seperate script", I will be grateful.
Will do, BTW are you using any third party application for the backups alone? Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
As per this Technethttp://www.microsoft.com/technet/tr…prodtechnol/sql/deploy/prodspecs/logship1.asp link the files must be deleted as a part of LS process. Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.