optional columns | SQL Server Performance Forums

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optional columns

I have a report that I am trying to create that has optional columns that can be displayed. I can do this if I design the report in the format
First Name Last Name SSN
[column] [column] [column] …. but in order to make the report more eye appealing I am designing in the format
First Name Last Name
[column] [column] SSN
[column] this report has about 20 fields and if I stretch it across to far, exporting the report to a PDF creates an ugly report. any clues on how to have optional fields show up if there is data in them. I hoped I explained this correctly. thanks, Jeff Hughes
Haven’t started working with Reporting Services yet but why is it that you can have optional columns when they are next to eachother but not when you place them on a new line like SSN in your example? Isn’t there some conditional logic one can apply on the contol containing the data to decide if to show it or not? Such options should be independent on the placcment of the data in the report.
The only way I have been successful in filtering optional data is by placing the data in a unique column or within a column of optional columns. I have been only able to set expressions on the column level to display the data correctly. if that makes an sense Jeff Hughes
Ok, well I unfortunally don’t have any good suggestions on how to solve your issue.
Try putting the fields in a table and set the visibility property of the row.So if you have firstname last name in first row and ssn in second row.Set visibility property of second row using the expression.So if there is no value the row wil not be displayed and blank spaces can be avoided.