Output parameters or recordsets to deal with app? | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Output parameters or recordsets to deal with app?

I have an ASP.NET VB.NET web application, and recently some database developers told me that use output parameters in the Stored Procedures inside Sql Server in order to pass and receive data with the application is a bad practice, and it is much more better use simply ‘Select#%92 statements. But the very best ASP.NET developers says that output parameters is the best efficient way in all cases to pass and receive data with the DB. And also they say that when we use ‘Select#%92 statements to send data to the application, the result set received by the app has more than the data: all sorts of metadata about what is being returned. So, my question is: About Database and Stored Procedures performance, which is the problem or effect of use output parameters in the SP inside Sql server to deal with application in the data traffic? Thank you,
http://www.sql-server-performance.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=3713&SearchTerms=Output,parameters http://www.microsoft.com/technet/community/chats/trans/sql/sql0724.mspx (Read question number around 12/13)

Ok thank you!, a very good post in ‘Sql-Server-Performance’ to answer my question [<img src=’/community/emoticons/emotion-1.gif’ alt=’:)‘ />]