Parent-Child dimension but with multiple levels | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Parent-Child dimension but with multiple levels

Hi,<br /><br />This is about the example Foodmart database that comes with Analysis Servcies… The approach used for creating the accounts dimension (in the example database) is basically what I am referring to but the difference is that in my case I have multiple levels rather than just 2 levels (as in the example). Let me explain this more:<br /><br />The example database has 2 levels in the underlying table and each "non-root" record points to a parent. I want to use the same approach but in a case where I have more than 2 levels… A chart of accounts is the best example that I can think of.<br /><br />Can someone please guide me how I can achieve this and be able to use the parent-child dimension making apporach. Really urgent and am posting this after applying all that I could think of and after going through many hours of research on the web [<img src=’/community/emoticons/emotion-6.gif’ alt=’:(‘ />]<br /><br /><br />Please let me know if this requires more elaboration… I’ll be glad to do so.
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