passing parameters from to report | SQL Server Performance Forums

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passing parameters from to report

I would like to pass the selection criteria from the webpage into the report.
Is there any method or way to pass it into the report? As i know Crstal report will provide the template with the coding for user to modify,
But at ms sql 2000 rpt services i dont see the template with coding for modifying.
what i can see is just a files with dll file extension.So it means that i can not do any changing on the code like what i did at crystal report. If it is true that rpt services not allow template modifying like crystal report,
is it mean that i need to write new application programme to call the report?

Not sure whether SQL Server Reports have selectionFormula One other possible way is to have a dummy table used for reporting purpose.
Instead of writing selection formula in Reports, use a query based on selection and insert data to dummy table and design the report using that table
Madhivanan Failing to plan is Planning to fail