Passing Parameters Through Query String | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Passing Parameters Through Query String

I am trying to pass a date as a query string parameter through the URL:
ex: Is it possible to grab the query string ‘EndDate’ and display it on the report using SQL Reporting Services? If I can’t do that, is there a function that I can use that takes a date parameter and adds/subtracts days from that date and displays the result on the page as part of the header? Thanks in adavnce.
Do you want to Extract only EndDate=12/31/2005 from the QueryString? Madhivanan Failing to plan is Planning to fail
I have si,ilaqr problem: how to input paramater in the sql report?
In your Front end application cant you pass parameter like this as that of Crystal Reports? Report.parameter(0)="somevalue" Madhivanan Failing to plan is Planning to fail