Performing SHRINK DATABASE.. | SQL Server Performance Forums

SQL Server Performance Forum – Threads Archive


Hi all,
In my DTS, one of the tasks,while excuting, increses the size of the LDF and MDF to such an extent that it sometimes leads to disk crash.
I need to know how to avoid this…

– examine your "sometimes". (sqlperfmon)
– Why is it incresing your files that much ? – this should not lead to disk crash, but to disk-full or file-full (if you restrict your filegrowth to a certain volume.)
I don’t think disk crashes when you increase the mdf and ldf files… you command will fail with no enough disk space error… You can make use of sysfiles and xp_fixeddrives output to increase the files without any issues… sysfiles gives you the mdf and ldf sizes and fixeddrives will give available free space…
Mohammed U.