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Problem with Merge replication

Hi I’m running 2 SQL 2000 servers both has servers has SQL SP3 on them.When trying to start the Merge agent it runs for like 2 seconds and then I receive the following error:
The column information specified for the ‘Microsoft SQL Server Maximum Conflict Resolver’ resolver is either missing or incorrect.
(Source: Merge Process (Agent); Error number: -2147467259)
The process was successfully stopped.
(Source: Merge Replication Provider (Agent); Error number: -2147200999)
————————————————————————————————————— Any help would be appreciated.
SQL Server comes with a number of custom resolvers. In most cases you will specify a column name as the required input for the resolver. For instance in the case of “Maximum Conflict Resolver”, the publisher or the subscriber with the larger column value will be the conflict winner. However if you choose “Subscriber Always Wins Conflict Resolver”, you do not have to provide a column name as an input since the subscriber row wins each time there is a conflict. Here is a list of the custom resolvers that come with SQL Server installation. Microsoft SQL Server Additive Conflict Resolver
Microsoft SQL Server Averaging Conflict Resolver
Microsoft SQL Server DATETIME (Earlier Wins) Conflict Resolver
Microsoft SQL Server DATATIME (Later Winds) Conflict Resolver
Microsoft SQL Server Maximum Conflict Resolver
Microsoft SQL Server Merge Text Conflict Resolver
Microsoft SQL Server Minimum Conflict Resolver
Microsoft SQL Server Subscriber Always Wins Conflict Resolver
Microsoft SQL Server Upload Only Conflict Resolver I think you need to regenerate you snapshot
Hi dinesh Thanks for the reply. However all articles are set to "Conflict Resolver Microsoft SQL Server DATATIME (Later Wins)". I’ve also regenerated the snapshot but it still gives the same error. Any other ideas?