Providing table name at runtime | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Providing table name at runtime

I am writing a script which will load the data of AccessDB tables into corresponding SqlServerDB tables without any user interaction .For this purpose a DTS package was created and it can be called from command line by dtsrun command and hence it can be executed without any more user interaction .But since we have ~300 tables how we can have a common DTS package which will accept the table name at run time and do the needful .
How it can be done in the simplest way ? I think I need a global variable .Then what type of Task is needed – ‘Dynamic Properties Task’ or ‘ActiveX Script Task’ or ‘Execute Sql Task’ ? How I can define the global variable and access it from within the Task ? Also is it possible that before the data is loaded the script will delete the data already present in the SqlServerDB ? How I can write that script within the Task ? Actually I have been searching for the answer for a long time and couldn’t get it – and hence posting the question here ; hope you will be kind enough to reply back .
May check this link for relevancy. Satya SKJ
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