Query For 2 Seperate Month Results | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Query For 2 Seperate Month Results

I am building a report that is currently running correctly for cuurent month results with the following query. SELECT DISTINCT
Customer.Street1 AS ‘Prop#’,
Customer.Name AS ‘Prop_Name’,
COUNT(master.number) AS ‘#_Of_Accts’,
SUM(master.original1) AS ‘$_Listed’,
SUM(payhistory.paid1) AS ‘$_Collected’
FROM Customer
LEFT OUTER JOIN payhistory ON payhistory.customer=Customer.customer
INNER JOIN master ON master.number=payhistory.number
WHERE (Customer.customer in (‘@allowedcustomers’))
AND (DATEDIFF(MM, master.received, GETDATE()) = 0)
GROUP BY Customer.Street1, Customer.Name What I need to do is duplicate columns ‘#_Of_Accts’, ‘$_Listed’, and ‘$_Collected’ for the previous month: (DATEDIFF(MM, master.received, GETDATE()) = 1) Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Mark Stopkey
You should be able to use a CASE expression like
< pseudocode >
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(MM, master.received, GETDATE()) = 0 THEN master.original1 ELSE 0 END) AS $_listed_this_month,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(MM, master.received, GETDATE()) = 1 THEN master.original1 ELSE 0 END) AS $_listed_previous_month
You would of courde need to adjust your WHERE clause. Another way would be to use a derived table in which you retrieve the data for the previous month and JOIN this derived table to the one above. —
Frank Kalis
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
Contributing Editor, Writer & Forum Moderatorhttp://www.sql-server-performance.com
Thanks for the help! I am trying it out now.
The results of SUM master.original1 works great but COUNT master.number gets me the same results for both dates. Here is the query. SELECT DISTINCT
Customer.Street1 AS ‘Prop#’,
Customer.Name AS ‘Prop_Name’,
COUNT(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(MM, master.received, GETDATE()) = 5 THEN master.number ELSE 0 END) AS ‘#_Accts_This_Month’,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(MM, master.received, GETDATE()) = 0 THEN master.original1 ELSE 0 END) AS ‘$_Listed_This_Month’,
COUNT(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(MM, master.received, GETDATE()) = 1 THEN master.number ELSE 0 END) AS ‘#_Accts_Prior_Month’,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(MM, master.received, GETDATE()) = 1 THEN master.original1 ELSE 0 END) AS ‘$_Listed_Prior_Month’,
SUM(payhistory.paid1) AS ‘$_Collected’
FROM Customer
LEFT OUTER JOIN payhistory ON payhistory.customer=Customer.customer
INNER JOIN master ON master.number=payhistory.number
WHERE (Customer.customer in (‘@allowedcustomers’))
GROUP BY Customer.Street1, Customer.Name

OOPS. In the reply, I pasted in test numbers by mistake. Here is the actual query. SELECT DISTINCT
Customer.Street1 AS ‘Prop#’,
Customer.Name AS ‘Prop_Name’,
COUNT(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(MM, master.received, GETDATE()) = 0 THEN master.number ELSE 0 END) AS ‘#_Accts_This_Month’,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(MM, master.received, GETDATE()) = 0 THEN master.original1 ELSE 0 END) AS ‘$_Listed_This_Month’,
COUNT(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(MM, master.received, GETDATE()) = 1 THEN master.number ELSE 0 END) AS ‘#_Accts_Prior_Month’,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(MM, master.received, GETDATE()) = 1 THEN master.original1 ELSE 0 END) AS ‘$_Listed_Prior_Month’,
SUM(payhistory.paid1) AS ‘$_Collected’
FROM Customer
LEFT OUTER JOIN payhistory ON payhistory.customer=Customer.customer
INNER JOIN master ON master.number=payhistory.number
WHERE customer.customer IN (@allowedcustomers)
GROUP BY Customer.Street1, Customer.Name
