question on reestablish log shipping | SQL Server Performance Forums

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question on reestablish log shipping

if the primary server is not available due to network issue, the secondary server will take the role. the log shipping will be removed on secondary server.
when the network is up again and the primary server is available, the db on secondary server will be backup and restore to primary. is it neccessary to remove any records in the log_xxxxx tables in MSDB before re-configuring the log shipping ?
During the role reversal all the values will be taken care of and in order to avoid any issues you can leave MSDB databsae with optimal sizes or auto-grow. I never cared about these records under msdb database. Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
the primary server is out of service suddenly due to the disconnection from network. the stand by server takes the role. when the network issue if fixed, it is planned to restore the db from standby server to primary server and re-configure the log shipping.
But, it prompted "log shipping has been configured" (something like that). it is sure there is no maintenance plan can be found under the node "maintenance plan" on enterprise manager before log shipping is re-configured. in such case, the error is prompted due to some residence record in the tables log_xxxxxxx on primary server ???