Reinstalling one node | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Reinstalling one node

We have(had) a cluster. Node 1 is gone and has to be reinstalled. After evicting from cluster and rebuilding the server with same name, same IP, is there an established procedure/any documentation for reinstalling sql on this node and bringing back into cluster.
Run the SQL setup program on the new node. When prompted enter the existing virtual server name. You then have the option of adding a node. This may help:

You first must join the rebuilt node to the cluster before you attempt to install SQL. Don’t forget to go through your checklist and address the little things like Enabling DTS for network access on the rebuilt node before running SQL Setup on the active primary node where you will be able to add the rebuilt node to the SQL Virtual Server.
I have the same problem, but i am mixed up – where should i run the setup for the sql? in the failed node or in the active node ? (the 2 answers here contradict).
If the "disastered" node is dead, and i need to reinstall the server, the SQL installation files are lost. and because usually the installation is not in the shared disk, this node does not have the installation any more and cannot be passed from the active node. ?
Aanother question – is there any problem to evict after the node was reinstalled (hardware switched)?
There are exact steps described in SQL Server Books Online. Go to "Maintaining a Failover Cluster -> Recovering from Failover Cluster Failure" Example:
How to recover from failover cluster failure in Scenario 1
In this scenario, failure is caused by hardware failure in Node 1 of a two-node cluster. This hardware failure could be caused, for example, by the failure of a small computer system interface (SCSI) card or the operating system. After Node 1 fails, the Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 failover cluster fails over to Node 2.
Run SQL Server Setup and remove Node 1. For more information, see How to remove a failover clustered instance .
Evict Node 1 from Microsoft Cluster Service (MSCS). To evict a node from MSCS, from Node 2, right-click on the node to remove, and then click Evict Node.
Install new hardware to replace the failed hardware in Node 1.
Install the operating system. For more information about which operating system to install and specific instructions on how to do this, see Before Installing Failover Clustering.
Install MSCS and join the existing cluster. For more information, see Before Installing Failover Clustering.
Run the Setup program on Node 2 and add Node 1 back to the failover cluster. For more information, see How to add nodes to an existing virtual server (Setup).
——– You can find some screenshots here: