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As i m a new in sqlserver2000 so please let me know the answer of this querry. I have a column name date_of_birth in a database and i want to insert the user’s date of birth in the database from the three dropdownlists name ddl1, ddl2 and ddl3.
so please let me know how i code to do it successfully.
Either you have to create procedure or sql statement to insert the data.. SQL statement…
INSERT INTO TABLENAME (Date_of_birth,…..,….)
………………………… procedure… CREATE PROC PROCEDURENAME
@DBO ….,
INSERT INTO TABLENAME (Date_of_birth,…..,….)
………………………… MohammedU.
Also, Visit and go thru the code there Madhivanan Failing to plan is Planning to fail
Another point is the usual confusion for newbies between the INSERT and UPDATE action queries. INSERT is when you add a completely new row to a table. UPDATE is when you insert a new value into a column on an existing row.