Removing BUILTINAdministrators from SQL cluster | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Removing BUILTINAdministrators from SQL cluster

Hi all, I have a SQL Server 2000 SP3 Active/Passive cluster. I have a requirement to tighten up security and would like to remove the BUILTINAdministrators group from SQL Server logins. I found this article:;EN-US;263712 which lists the steps that need to be undertaken before cluster services are set up, but I already have cluster services set up & running. If I add the cluster service account to SQL Server logins will I be able to remove BUILTINAdministrators without any problems? thanks for any advice. Lesley Lesley Gilmour
If you carefully follow all of the steps described by Microsoft, you will be OK. —————————–
Brad M. McGehee, SQL Server MVP