REMOVING COMMAND IN MSRepl_Commands TABLE | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Hello All, On SQLServer 7.0, I would like to remove a command in MSRepl_commands table. Somebody can tell me how can I do that whithout problem ? Lot of thanks for your help

Why do you want so?
If any issues come again. Satya SKJ

I have the same problem:
clean up job is not doing well.
I had just a few records yesterday in that table
today it’s contain over 350 000 recors and grows rapidly.
I afraind it will cause problems on publisher server and
started already think to delete some com,mand from this table
I increased login time out for Log reader profile
and restarted it but look like it didn’t help
Try to restart LOG Reader agent to affect the changes. _________
Satya SKJ
