Replacing SQL 2000 Cluster node | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Replacing SQL 2000 Cluster node

I have a SQL 2000 cluster with 2 nodes in Active passive mode. I have to replace the passive node. Since it is based on Windows 2000 Advanced, I can’t have more than 2 nodes.
My plan is to make the replacement identical to Active node then: 1. Remove the node from SQL
2. Remove the node from MSCS (Micrsoft Clustering Services)
3. Remove the cluster service from the passive node
4. Delete passive node from ACtive Directory
5. Join the replacemnet machine with passive node name
6. Join cluster and buid the SQL cluste node
7. Apply the SQLService pack
8. Apply SQL hotfixes to both nodes Does anyone see problem with above or suggest for any shortcomings. The server has to join cluster with same name. Thanks in advance
Can anyone help me please
Vinny: I have not experience with cluster.
I gess in short time some member can help you. Meantime, use Advanced Search in Forum, write "clustering" and you will find a lot of articles. HTH
Luis Martin …Thus mathematics may be defined as the subject in which we never know what we are talking about, nor whether what we are saying is true.
Bertrand Russell
While I have not done what you have described, here’s what I would do, which is almost the same thing you proposed. 1. Remove both nodes from SQL
2. Remove both nodes from MSCS (Micrsoft Clustering Services)
3. Remove the cluster service from the passive node (this is the same as step 2)
4. Delete passive node from Active Directory
5. Install MSCS on both nodes
6. Install SQL Server on both nodes
7. Apply the SQLService pack on both nodes
8. Apply SQL hotfixes to both nodes It is always much safer to deal with both nodes at a time than just one node. Sure, you will face some downtime, but I don’t know of any way around this. —————————–
Brad M. McGehee, MVP
Thanks for your response to everyone…appreciate it. But if rebuild both nodes then one has to reconfig the SQL server. Basically, it will be complete rebuild. Other than the safety, does anyone see any shortcoming.
Never done it on a live system. Your approach looks good though according to this post (regarding MSCS): /Argyle
My suggestion is very conservative, and is based on my own experiences. I assume that it is possible to take some shortcuts, but based on my experience, shortcuts often, but not always, end with more problem that you started with. —————————–
Brad M. McGehee, MVP
Thanks everyone for providing information. The solution was implemented and had one small change and that added another step and that was 4a) Deleted old node entry form DNS also in-addition to removal of node from Active Directory. Regards, Vinny