Replication on a SQL server cluster | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Replication on a SQL server cluster

Hi all: Does any body know of any documentation of how to setup merge/transactional replication on a 3 node SQL server cluster? Thanx
Can you offer a little bit more information on what you want to do? I don’t know of any specific documentation, other than what’s on this website. If you do a search on "cluster and replication", you should get a hit. —————————–
Brad M. McGehee, MVP
This is what I’m trying to do: I have a cluster sql server with activeactivepassive
I want to replicate a database from Node A to Node B, do I need to have a special shared drive for the snapshoot & the distribution database. Thanx
I wouldn’t have thought so. On my cluster I put the snapshot on a share pointing to the cluster’s shared disk and referring to the share using the SQLServer virtual node name… Cheers
I am still curious as to why you want to do this. What is the benefit? —————————–
Brad M. McGehee, MVP
one reason might be to replicate a OLTP database to allow DSS on the other node? Cheers