Reporting Services connection string | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Reporting Services connection string

hi there, any help with this appreciated The Reporting server is 2003 connecting remotely to a 2003 server with SQL2000 SP4 and Analysis Svcs The same Reporting server connects through to a 2000 server with SP3a and Analysis Svcs fine using the same connection string No firewalls set on the 2003 servers Ive tried adding a domain admin account (which is also sql sys admin) into a role on the cube—no joy Do you know how to connect to Analysis services using a SQL login or is it not possible ? It works fine through Vis Studio on the RS server but i realise different permisions are used for this, Do you know how I can check the default account RS uses to connect to a DB source ?, the service uses the NTAUTHORITYNETWORK service account to start Vis Studio creates the connection string with OLE DB Provider for Olap Services 8.0 so I cant reproduce an OLE DB connection string via ODBC to test as theres not the option OLE DB Provider for Olap Services 8.0 (does this mean I need to install PTSFull.exe ?) The errors we get are An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted) Get
Online Help Cannot create a connection to data source ‘(cube name)’. (rsErrorOpeningConnection)
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Database ‘(cube name)’ does not exist The error we also get is keyword not supported ‘provider’ , if i start to edit the connection string i end up with a an error of failed login for NTAUTHORITYAnonymous It looks like a permissioning issue but I dont fully understand yow RS and AS should connect, please help
Have a look into the eventlog of the server where the analysis cube resides.
If there errors with something like "NT-Authority/Anonymous" your security-settings on the report-server are not valid (especially the settings in internet service manager).
Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
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