Reports not showing the data | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Reports not showing the data

Hi Everybody
our reports were working fine……suddenly few days ago….
here is the senario:
We are using sql server2000 reporting services for reports generation.
in our reports we have a column where if click on header its fowds to a link where we can enter data to tht particular row
and when we come back to reports mail page and refresh it the data is suppose to show up in reports.
but now sometimes it shows up instantly some times its not takes like 30 mins to appear on the report page.
and even more like yesterday we entered data in two rows and when we refreshed the page one row shows the data one does’t
please help
Did you try wiggling the plug? j/k. Perhaps it’s a timeout issue due to server load, which would explain the inconnsistency.
quote:Originally posted by escherrer Did you try wiggling the plug? j/k. Perhaps it’s a timeout issue due to server load, which would explain the inconnsistency.
I am really new in this could not get wht you said.
can you please explain .
Thanks for reply
Hi danny, In reports are you calling a store procedure to fetch information from tables?
If yes then you can try to execute store procedure to see if those newly entered lines appear? Waqar.
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