request failed with HTTP status 401 | SQL Server Performance Forums

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request failed with HTTP status 401

I got a strange error (The request failed with HTTP status 401: Access
Denied), when I try to call ReportServer WebService.
I have my own web service which calls a C# component and this compoenent
Instantiates RS web service and try to call any method. It throws the above
But If I have a normal web Application, which calls same C# component(inturn
component calls RS web Service), it works fine… Web Application —> C# Component —> RS WebService — Working
Web Service —-> C# component —> RS WebService — Not Working I gave anonymous access to RS webService and to my web service also…
I write
rs.PreAuthenticate = true; rs.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
But still it is not working. Help me in this.. Thanks in advance,
Ramesh Ramesh