returnValue from DTSRun Utility to a CA-7 batch Sc | SQL Server Performance Forums

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returnValue from DTSRun Utility to a CA-7 batch Sc

<br /><br />How to set the returnValue from DTSRun Utility to a CA-7 batch scheduler…just like how its done for OPS scheduler in a batch file (see code below)?<br /><br />DTSRun /S %DTSServerName% /N %DTSJobName% /E <br />IF %errorlevel% EQU 0 GOTO VerwerkingOK<br /><br />:VerwerkingFout<br />Set OPSExCode=1<br />GOTO Einde<br /><br />:VerwerkingOK<br />Set OPSExCode=0<br />:Einde<br /><br /><br />How to set the value for CA-7 batch scheduler just like "Set OPSExCode=1" which is for OPS scheduler?<br /><br />I’ve been breakin’ my head over this and am goin’ bonkers …<img src=’/community/emoticons/emotion-3.gif’ alt=’:O’ />(<br /><br />
Can you explain about CA-7 batch scheduler. Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
How does your CA-7 batch schedule file look like? I believe the code above is not for a CA-7 automated schedule. Nathan H.Omukwenyi
