RS for Cross-tab reports? | SQL Server Performance Forums

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RS for Cross-tab reports?

I have a difficult report to create and I was wondering if Report Sevices might help me solve the report. It’s a cross-tab report with the sales regions as column header (with sub headers of MTD, QTD, YTD for each region), left hand side has labels such as "total member sales, total sales, percent of member sales, etc. Roughly 30 catgories on the left each with a total for MTH, QTD, YTD. The user wants it in Excel format. My approach is to create a reporting table that is populated with all of these calculated fields by region, and then somehow create this Excel spreadsheet. Can Report Services assist me in creating this spreadsheet in this format? If anyone has a better approach please feel free to share your ideas, I could use some. Thanks.
Yes RS can do this quite easily. Look at the RS Advendure Works sales report example pivot-table report, and RS interface with excel excellent.