SAN Volume not visible in Cluster Admin | SQL Server Performance Forums

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SAN Volume not visible in Cluster Admin

Has anyone seen this before? I used the following steps to create a new cluster disk.
1. Created the disk volume on the SAN and assigned it to the active node in the cluster.
2. Logged on to the server and opened disk manager, wrote the signature to the disk, & formatted it NTFS as a basic disk.
3. Windows explorer sees the disk just fine. The problem is that when I open Cluster Administrator and attempt to create a Physical Disk Resource. Cluster Admin does not see the disk. Any idea’s?

Reboot the servers. It will see it just fine. [<img src=’/community/emoticons/emotion-1.gif’ alt=’:)‘ />] What HBA cards and SAN are you using?<br /><br />MeanOldDBA<br />[email protected]<br /><br />When life gives you a lemon, fire the DBA.
Qlogic 2202 HBA’s and Xiotech Magnitude SAN using Brocade 2800 Silkworm switches. We also just installed a Magnitude 3D.