Scheduling once an hour for part of a day | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Scheduling once an hour for part of a day

Hi! I wonder if it is possible in any way to schedule reports to run every hour
each day between 0800 and 1700? /Mattias
/Mattias HTH Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
Here is the answer. Thank you Daniel Reib in the MSDN reportingsvcs newsgroup. RS does not natively support this. You could modify the Sql Agent job that
is associated with the report. The only problem with doing that is that
everytime the ReportServer service starts it will set the schedule back to
it’s original state. If you don’t want the service to reset the schedules,
set the IsSchedulingService element in the RSReportServer.config file to
false. However, setting this element will mean RS never checks to ensure
that your schedules are in sync and they could get changed by any admin of
SQL. /Mattias