Sortable Columns | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Sortable Columns

Can you make the columns in a table clickable, so when a user clicks it, the table sorts by that column? Joe Janka
You want to sort in Enterprise manager on in an application.
if you are using ado yes you can do this. there is a propety called sort in ado. with help of that you can do this.
quote:Originally posted by jastone Can you make the columns in a table clickable, so when a user clicks it, the table sorts by that column? Joe Janka

Hi jastone,
can u describe ur question more clearly as i don understand
u want table clickable in ur application or else.
From ur application its ofcourse sortable as u’ll show the content
of table in a grid and few grids like videosoft grid control has auto sort property.
Else u can go for dinesh’s suggestion for sorting the ado recordset and displaying.
should i have a report that returns a list of columns, lets say CustomerFirstName, CustomerLastName, and CustState. When the report has been deployed to a ReportServer, the users of the reports want to be able to click on the column heading "First Name" and have it sort by CustomerFirstName asc, click on "First Name" again and have it sort desc. Now if they click on "Last Name", it sorts by CustomerLastName. and so on and so forth. does this explain the problem a little more clearly? Joe Janka