SQL 2000 clustering with Windows 2003 | SQL Server Performance Forums

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SQL 2000 clustering with Windows 2003

Hi, in the documentation about clustering i read about clustering with sql server 2000 and windows server 2000 or sql server 2005 and windows server 2003. Has somebody experience with the clustering with sql server 2000 and windows server 2003 ? Is something in the installation or configuration where I have to pay attention ? Will I have some disadvantage with such combination ? Thanks in advance. Josep Lluis Cardona
Bremen (Germany)
I have installed SQL Server 2000 with Windows 2003 many times. From an OS perspective, the setup is the same. And installing SQL Server 2000 on Windows 2000/2003 clustering is the same. ——————————–
Brad M. McGehee, SQL Server MVP
Read the article… SQL Server Clustering: 2000 to 2005
the MS DTC configuration is different. the other process is the same.
