SQL ActivePassive cluster on windows 2003 | SQL Server Performance Forums

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SQL ActivePassive cluster on windows 2003

Hi I have installed SQL activepassive cluster on a windows 2003 server, however I cant get SQL to failover to the secondary node, its tries and then times out and fails back to the primary node. I have a a lot of ODBC SQL driver connect erros in the application log. Has anybody encountered this ?
Hi shehan, Great,you have done it.But my position is,i want to cluster sql2000 in windows2003,can you please tell me from were i can get information for setting this cluster.In your openion which is the best resource available.How you performed this.If you can share with us,it is well and good for other members like me.looking forward to your detailed posting.Sorry,now i am not in a position to answer your question,but request some information form you. Thanks and regards,
Could you post the errors you see in:
Event viewer – Application log
Event viewer – System log
The SQL Server error log
The cluster log /Argyle
True, it helps to assess and also check what are values set for remote login and remote query timeout. Thiruvengadam, You’d responses to your question in this regard, refer tohttp://www.sql-server-performance.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=2162 thread.
Satya SKJ

Hi Argyle, I have documented the information that you have requested. The cluster works except that SQL won’t failover to the secondary node when I fail the resources or reboot the primary node.
I have been told that this may be because windows 2003 is a fully locked down server and hence I may have to enable specific TCPIP UDP ports that are used by SQL, I edited the registry and added the following ports to the ListenOn key under MSSQLServer (ports 1435, 1436 & 1437. I followed the documented Microsoft process (Article 815431) when installing SQL and have also insatlled SP3a. SQL is installed on both nodes, however on the secondary the SQL manager doesn’t have any servers or services listed. All istalls have been done using an domain admin account which is a member of the local admin group. Requested Information Application Log:
EventId: 17052
Source: MSSQL$WSDB000xxxx
Description: [sqsrvres] ODBC sqldriverconnect failed Note: This error keep repeating until SQL fails back to the primary node
System Log:
nothing in regards to SQL Cluster.log
I went through the log and couldn’t see any errors in regards to SQL SQL log
2003-11-05 15:26:36.23 serverLogging SQL Server messages in file ‘X:program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQ
2003-11-05 15:26:36.23 serverServer Process ID is 2076.
2003-11-05 15:26:36.23 serverAll rights reserved.
2003-11-05 15:26:36.23 serverCopyright (C) 1988-2002 Microsoft Corporation.
2003-11-05 15:26:36.23 serverMicrosoft SQL Server 2000 – 8.00.818 (Intel X86) …
2003-11-05 15:26:36.24 serverSQL Server is starting at priority class ‘normal'(2 CPUs detected).
2003-11-05 15:26:36.34 serverSQL Server configured for thread mode processing.
2003-11-05 15:26:36.34 serverUsing dynamic lock allocation. [2500] Lock Blocks, [5000] Lock Owner Blocks.
2003-11-05 15:26:36.38 serverAttempting to initialize Distributed Transaction Coordinator.
2003-11-05 15:26:39.09 spid2Starting up database ‘master’.
2003-11-05 15:26:39.16 spid10Starting up database ‘Northwind’.
2003-11-05 15:26:39.16 spid8Starting up database ‘pubs’.
2003-11-05 15:26:39.16 spid5Starting up database ‘msdb’.
2003-11-05 15:26:39.16 spid6Starting up database ‘model’.
2003-11-05 15:26:39.16 serverUsing ‘SSNETLIB.DLL’ version ‘8.0.818’.
2003-11-05 15:26:39.16 spid2Server name is ‘WSDB000xxxxxWSDB000xxxxx’.
2003-11-05 15:26:39.20 serverSQL server listening on IP Address: 1561.
2003-11-05 15:26:39.25 spid6Clearing tempdb database.
2003-11-05 15:26:39.33 serverSQL Server is ready for client connections
2003-11-05 15:26:39.33 serverSQL server listening on TCP, Shared Memory, Named Pipes.
2003-11-05 15:26:39.50 spid6Starting up database ‘tempdb’.
2003-11-05 15:26:39.55 spid2SQL global counter collection task is created.
2003-11-05 15:26:39.55 spid2Recovery complete.
2003-11-05 15:27:25.78 serverSQL Server terminating because of system shutdown.
Let me know if you have any information. cheers

Probably what was happening was that it was takeing so long for the DNS lookup to fail that the SQL Server ODBC connection attempt timed out. I would verify that your first node can resolve names correctly i.e. ping the SQL Virtual Server by name.
Satya SKJ
