SQL Server 7.0 Undocumented Stored Procedures

This stored procedure returns the complete column description, including the length, type, name, and so on.


sp_columns_rowset table_name [, table_schema ] [, column_name]


table_name – is the table name, table_name is sysname.

table_schema – is the table schema, table_schema is sysname, with a default of NULL.

column_name – is the column name, column_name is sysname, with a default of NULL.

This is the example:

USE pubs


EXEC sp_columns_rowset ‘authors’



This stored procedure can be used to fix corruption in a system table by recreating the index.


sp_fixindex dbname, tabname, indid


dbname – is the database name, dbname is sysname

tabname – is the system table name, tabname is sysname

indid – is the index id value, indid is int

Note. Before using this stored procedure the database has to be in single user mode.

See this link for more information:


This is the example:

USE pubs


EXEC sp_fixindex pubs, sysindexes, 2



Sometimes, you need to perform the same actions for all tables in the database. You can create cursor for this purpose, or you can also use sp_MSforeachdb stored procedure to accomplish the same goal with less work.

For example, you can use this stored procedure to run a CHECKDB for all the databases on your server.

EXEC sp_MSforeachdb @command1=”print ‘?’ DBCC CHECKDB (‘?’)”


Sometimes, you need to perform the same actions for all tables in the database. You can create cursor for this purpose, or you can also use sp_MSforeachtable stored procedure to accomplish the same goal with less work.

For example, you can use this stored procedure to rebuild all the indexes in a database.

EXEC sp_MSforeachtable @command1=”print ‘?’ DBCC DBREINDEX (‘?’)”


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