sql server agent vs. query analyzer | SQL Server Performance Forums

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sql server agent vs. query analyzer

I have a stored procedure that is a posting process in nature. When I run the sp via query analyzer it runs in approx 5-7 seconds. When I set it up as a job in the sql server agant it runs 25-35 seconds. Can anyone describe to me why the big performance hit in sql server agent.
When sp run via job, there is others times plus sp itself.
When you run via QA is on line. If you said 7 seconds vs. 3 minuts, well that could be a issue.
Luis Martin
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Ensure the SQL Server agent has required privileges to complete the process of query, say if any acess to the network files etc. and also ensure to patch up the SQL to the upto level service pack. Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.