Stored procedured – revisited – where clause | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Stored procedured – revisited – where clause

Hello all. I am back on my stored procedure question(s)… I have record locking properly and have you (Twan in particular) to thank. I had been asking about dynamic sql queries but now have created 8 stored procs. They all perform the same basic function but the where criteria is quite a bit different for each one. However, the variables I pass to each is the same – the differences are actually more hard-coded than dynamic.. Here is my question: Can I have a single stored proc that has multiple where clauses, depending on a variable I send – not really dynamic sql but something like this… @intCG would be a variable passed to the stored proc – along with others. It, however, would be used to determine which where clause to use…
Select @recno = calllist_uno from vwCallList_TZ
WHERE iscomplete = 0 and lockdatetime is null and cancall = -1
if intCG = 1
and yada, yada, yada
else if intCG = 2
and yada, yada, yada
or something similar. I am researching, is there an equivalent to a select case construct for t-sql? Then I could maintain a single stored proc and use other passed parameters based on the intCG variable. Thanks, Matthew Moran
The IT Career Builder’s Toolkit
as we discussed in another thread:
Select @recno = calllist_uno
from vwCallList_TZ
WHERE iscomplete = 0 and lockdatetime is null and cancall = -1
and ((@intCG = 1 and yada, yada, yada)
or (@intCG = 2 and yada, yada, yada))
However, I prefer to make two stored procedures one for @intCG =1 another for @intCG=2 (without @intCG as a parameter)
Thanks. I remember that method being covered. I was trying to get away from having the 8 stored procedures I’ve developed doing the same thing. There could actually be an @intCG value of 1-4 and a value for two other fields. Matthew Moran
The IT Career Builder’s Toolkit
Matthew, anytime you use logic like this, you are going to be using OR logic. This logic will often need different query plans to properly arrive at a solution. Because of this, your rate of compiles is going to significantly increase. Many times the actual compilation of the stored procedure/code can take longer than the entire execution. By using function with a wrapper query, you can avoid these recompiles, have very good execution plans, and get results much faster. MeanOldDBA
[email protected] When life gives you a lemon, fire the DBA.