stuck in online pending state | SQL Server Performance Forums

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stuck in online pending state

My cluster appeared to be up and running normally when I decided to do a failover test by moving the SQL Server resources from node1 to node2. The SQL Server was left in an online pending status and I noticed that the private network between the nodes was down. It turned out that the private network cable had become disconnected. I reconnected it and the private network between the nodes was re-established. The problem now is that the SQL Server will not come out of the online pending status. When I look in the event log I see that the cluster administrator login keeps trying to log into the SQL Server and failing. The SQL Server restarts about once every three minutes and alternates between nodes. Even though it does not come out of the online pending status I can connect to it using Query Analyzer and SQL Server authentication. When I do that I can see the databases online. But I cannot connect using NT authentication and the cluster administrator login or the NT login that the SQL Server runs under. I have used the cluster.exe utility to successfully change the cluster administrator password but that did not help the situation. I have rebooted both nodes of the cluster and the same scenario repeats itself. Any suggestions about what I can do to successfully bring the SQL Server online so that it will stay online?
Check this relevant topic and what is the level of service pack on SQL and Operating system. Satya SKJ
Contributing Editor & Forums Moderator
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