sync db | SQL Server Performance Forums

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sync db

one is dev db-A1, one is staging db-A2. A2 has one table with 300 Million records but the table with same name on A1 has only 20 for development. So totally move db from A1 to A2 doesn’t meet the requirements. I have set up DTS package to sync all object except the certain table from A1 to A2. The issue is new objects will be created along with the process of development, I have to open this DTS package to select and check those new objects then execute the DTS package. My question is how to write a dts script so that it can detect the new objects to be synced.
thanks for the help. cheers,
If you are experience in Activex or VBScript you can find the those new objects and then define same in the data transformation. I don’t have live example to show but I think searcing will help you. Also you may get more information from other members who came accross this issue previously. Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
1. When u are designing the DTS script u can select third option (i.e. u can specify whether to append data) 2. Otherwise you can use muliple data pump.
from this you can programme the data pumping process
More info :
quote:Originally posted by danan_xu one is dev db-A1, one is staging db-A2. My question is how to write a dts script so that it can detect the new objects to be synced.
thanks for the help. cheers,
