Transfer Login Task (DTS) | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Transfer Login Task (DTS)

I have a problem with „Transfer Login Task” (DTS) which I use to copy the logins from the primary server to the secondary server When I execute the package it returns error – 1 task fail during execution – Unspecified error What is funny, logins are transferred to the standby server. But not all data is right, the logins default language on the standby server is different from the primary server. I#%92m worrying that there are more differences. Does anybody know how to fix it? This is the output from the SQL Profiler: set noexec off set parseonly off
— ‘sp_addlogin’ was found in the text of this event.
— The text has been replaced with this comment for security reasons.
set noexec off set parseonly off
— ‘sp_addlogin’ was found in the text of this event.
— The text has been replaced with this comment for security reasons.
set noexec off set parseonly off
exec sp_configure ‘allow updates’, 0
reconfigure with override
set noexec off set parseonly off

Are you sure both primary and secondary servers collation and other settings are similar?
What is the level of service pack on both the servers? Take help from this KBA to fix the orphaned users and other issues. HTH Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.