Triggerring mail from SQL server | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Triggerring mail from SQL server

I am working in the triggering mail from SQL server.
declare @Mailobj as int
declare @hr as int
exec master.. sp_oacreate ‘dllname.clsname’, @Mailobj out,1
exec master..sp_oageterrorinfo
exec master..sp_oamethod @Mailobj,’Testmail’,null,@Toid=”,@Fromid=”,@CCid=”,@BCCid=”,@Subject=’mail’,@Textbody=’Hello world’,@strError=”
exec master..sp_oageterrorinfo Error: 0x800401F3 Source: ODSOLE Extended Procedure Error Description: Invalid class string Help file: NULL Help ID:0
Error: 0x80042725 Source: ODSOLE Extended Procedure Error Description: sp_OAMethod usage: ObjPointer int IN, MethodName varchar IN [, @returnval <any> OUT [, additional IN, OUT, or BOTH params]] Help file: NULL Help ID:0
But if i execute the code below without SP_geterrorinfo, as below declare @Mailobj as int
exec master.. sp_oacreate ‘dllname.classname’, @Mailobj out,1
exec master..sp_oamethod @Mailobj,’Testmail’,null,@Toid=”,@Fromid=”,@CCid=”,@BCCid=”,@Subject=’mail’,@Textbody=’Hello world’,@strError=” The command completed successfully, but i didnt get any error message.

KBA for relevancy. Satya SKJ
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