Turn off caching for deployed reports | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Turn off caching for deployed reports

I know you can turn of the caching for the Report Desiger, but what about for the report server link / URL the end user hits? Our users have to hit "View Report" in order to do a fresh pull from the database. I know you can do this via the properties tab once the report is on the server (deployed), but can this be changed in a config file? Thanks!

Hi, Do your caching means while the end users had pulled out the report once and make modification again and open it again, the report doesnt refresh by itself? The users need to click Refresh again in order to see the updated changes?
smy, Thanks for the reply! Here’s the scenario:
1. Go into the web application and click report hyperlink
2. View report then close down report window
3. Make changes to data via web app and save to db
4. Open report again with hyperlink, changes are NOT seen unless you click "View Report"
If you’re using URL strings, add this as a suffix: &rs:ClearSession=true

else, you can also set autorefresh interval under the report properties for the report to refresh itself…