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Update 2 columns

Hallo , How can I update values in two columns in the same row ? Is it possible ?
For example :
. set @ident [email protected]
. UPDATE links SET [email protected] , [email protected] WHERE @Id [email protected]
dowNum , uppNum ….are names of columns
@newStart , @newEnd …. are values what i want to update in this columns
Thanks, Lubo
The UPDATE part is correct, but your WHERE clause doesn’t refer to a column. This means that the update affects all records if @Id and @Ident are identical, and else no records are updated.
BUt I want to update values during run in Cursor – Fetch , row by row.
Post the table structure and explain what you are trying to update with sample data Madhivanan Failing to plan is Planning to fail
quote:Originally posted by luma BUt I want to update values during run in Cursor – Fetch , row by row.
Any reason why you must use a cursor? Look at BOL > Transact SQL Reference > DECLARE CURSOR for the full syntax.
I have table linky with columns : id, linky , dolneCislo, horneCislo. Structure :
id … int ..identity
linky….varchar (255)
dolneCislo …..decimal(15)
I read value from column linky row by row in the cursor.
Then i need update columns dolneCislo and horneCislo with some value (changed value from column linky) in actual row (the same row )
Conversion values is OK !!!!!!
All rows are updated with values of last row in the table. When i change command Insert (instead Of Update) – insert to other table , written value in other table are correct
Apologize my english , Lubo

Can you post some sample data and the result you want?
Madhivanan Failing to plan is Planning to fail
Maybe you want this: declare @start int
declare @end int

select @start = dolneCislo, @end = horneCislo
from linky
order by id

update linky
set dolneCislo = @start, horneCislo = @End

Values in Linky – there are different lenght . Data in row of table row 1….12345
row 1….456
row 1….789
row 1….3 then i need convert and write to columns dolneCislo, horneCislo min values and max to lenght 5 digit and missing digit set as 0 or 9. Result
Id linky dolneCislo horneCislo
1 12345 12345 12345
2 456 45600 45699
3 789 78900 78999
4 6 60000 69999 Conversion is correct
I hope i got it right this time: update linky
set dolneCislo = substring(cast(dolneCislo as varchar(5)) + ‘00000’, 1, 5))
horneCislo = substring(cast(horneCislo as varchar(5)) + ‘99999’, 1, 5))

quote:Originally posted by mmarovic I hope i got it right this time: update linky
set dolneCislo = substring(cast(dolneCislo as varchar(5)) + ‘00000’, 1, 5))
horneCislo = substring(cast(horneCislo as varchar(5)) + ‘99999’, 1, 5))
Small Correction
update yourTable set dolneCislo = substring(cast(linky as varchar(5)) + ‘00000’, 1, 5),
horneCislo = substring(cast(linky as varchar(5)) + ‘99999’, 1, 5)
Madhivanan Failing to plan is Planning to fail
Luma, Did you get solution?
Madhivanan Failing to plan is Planning to fail
Thanks, Madhivanan.
Yes , thanks , Lubo